The first month of the shelter is at an end and we’re heading into the winter season. Already the first snow has fallen and it is more important than ever to keep the shelter up and running. Despite the uncertainty regarding our funding, the shelter itself is running well. We’ve seen a dramatic change from last year and things are going smoothly at Craig’s Doors. Guests are happy with the new procedures in place and appreciate having a safe place to call home for the night.
As December marches on, we are getting closer to hearing the state’s decision on the earmarked funding. That being said, our own fundraising campaign has already brought in eight thousand dollars via a GoFundMe page set up by Rebekah. Money that is much needed to help keep the shelter running and provide critical support to those in need. If you haven’t, check out the video made by our staff. It features some of guests talking about their experiences at the shelter and the importance of the shelter to them. For those unfamiliar with the Craig’s Place Emergency Shelter, it’s a great window into the lives of our guests.
We’re roughly a week away from hearing the Governor’s decision and the health and safety of our guests hangs in the balance. Please consider taking a moment to check out our GoFundMe page or share it with someone you know. Even the act of spreading the word helps us tremendously during this trying time. You support, both large and small, is critical to our success.
Due to a State budget deficit, earmark funding in line item 7004-0102 designated for Homeless Individuals Assistance is on hold. This includes $200,000 designated for Craig’s Doors. For the past three years, Craig’s Doors has used this funding to operate Craig’s Place, Amherst’s emergency homeless shelter.The governor’s administration will reach a decision by December 15, 2016; until then, it is uncertain what will happen. There are three options: 1.) We receive all of our funding. 2.) We take a percentage cut, which may be great or small. 3.) We lose all of our funding.
In the event that funding is not restored, Craig’s
Place may have to close during the coldest and most dangerous months of winter.
Without Craig’s Place, many individuals
will have to sleep outside, and some of them will die.
“We are doing
everything we can to keep the shelter open.” Rebekah Wilder, Craig’s Doors
Executive Director said.
In addition to communications with the legislature and
state, Craig’s Doors is seeking alternative funding sources and cutting
Today, we are making an appeal to the Hampshire
County community: help us keep our doors open. Help us in our mission to
support those who are at their most vulnerable. Whether you are able to donate
time, money, or material goods, your contribution to our shelter directly
translates into another day of operation, another day of saving lives. Each day
is significant. In order to remain an
accessible resource, we need the support of our community. Your partnership is essential
to the furthering of our goal to create housing for those in need.
Last night marked the beginning of the 2016-2017 season for the Craig’s Place Emergency Shelter. And it got off to a great start! All told, the shelter kept seventeen individuals out of the cold last night, many of whom were quick to say they missed the shelter and its friendly faces. Shelter guests were able to enjoy a hot meal, warm shower and their “first good night’s sleep in a long time”. Everyone was happy to have a calm, quiet night at the shelter.
However not everyone who showed up to the shelter last night was able to stay. This was especially true for one female guest, since the number of women allowed to stay the night is now capped at six. But Craig’s Doors dedicated staff members were able to drive her to a neighboring Cot Shelter in Northampton, to keep her from spending the night on the streets. As we head into a busy, and cold, season, things are shaping up well. With new policies and procedures in place, a devoted team of staff and volunteers, the foundation has been set for an excellent season.
And the need could not be greater as there are many in community who are without stable housing. Though Amherst may be known for it’s numerous colleges, Craig’s Place Shelter provides an important service for individuals in the community who are on the outside of that world. Individuals who are facing hard times and uncertainty about their future, but who can take comfort in the fact that they have a place to call home for the night.
We have been
blessed to run the Amherst’s Emergency Shelter over the past 5 years. We shelter 22-34 individuals each night from
November 1st – April 30th. Our mission is to be a safe place for anyone
experiencing homelessness. No one
deserves to die from a New England Winter, no matter what has happened in their
life. I am honored to serve these
incredible individuals, who have fought through so much. They are strong, brave, and resilient.
This was
rough year for everyone, but especially for those whose residence is the
streets of Amherst. I want to apologize
for the added stress placed on you this year.
The lack of a Shelter Director and the stress caused by the tight space
in the trailer was something none of you needed added to your plate. This year, I am committed to ensuring the
shelter operations run smoothly for everyone.
Place was home to 186 individuals this winter. 63% struggle with mental illness,
and 48% struggle with Substance abuse.
Of those who struggle with Substance abuse, 74% of them struggle with a
mental illness. These numbers inform us
of the real issues behind addiction – mental health.
Everyone who
comes through our doors is unique. Their
range of abilities, life stories, desires, hopes and dreams, and level of self-respect
all come together to create different barriers to housing.
It is only
through working with them as individuals, and not as a collective group, that
we will find the solutions to ending homelessness.
I have a memory of myself as a child, sitting in the
passenger seat of my mother’s car, looking out the window at some new
construction being built as we drove by. It was becoming a huge gray building,
rectangular in shape, and impressive in size. As we drove past it, I said to my
mother, “That should be a homeless shelter.” I’m not sure how I was even aware
of the concept of homelessness given my very sheltered world – perhaps a movie
on TV, or a story in the news, but I remember this interaction specifically
because of my mother’s reaction to it – she laughed.
It took me years to understand why she thought my suggestion
was so funny. I saw a big empty
building, a spacious place where there could be beds, and tables of food. It
seemed perfectly logical to me at the time.
What I didn’t know is that our society’s attitude toward the
problem of homelessness was very unlike my childlike view. There is a near
unshakable belief in our minds that those who suffer without a home are a
product of their own poor judgment in life, and homelessness is a kind of
societal penalty that is well deserved.
What does
it mean for a person to be “homeless?” The implied definition of the word
“homeless” refers to a person who does not have a home. But what does the word
“homeless” really mean to us, to society? By the general American public’s
standards, a homeless person is dirty or filthy. A homeless person is needy or
weak. A homeless person is good for nothing, useless. A hobo. A drunk. A
druggie. A bum. This attitude is a stigmatic paradigm that exists throughout
communities here in Western Massachusetts and really, in communities throughout the United States. The American
society’s view on homelessness translates to a prejudicial behaviour based
solely on the assumptions associated with socioeconomic divisions. The
institutionalized barriers formulated by our class-based country prevent the
homeless from reintegrating into society. The homeless populationrepresents a class of people that are
pushed aside, forgotten, and deliberately ignored. Odds are inevitably against
them; discrimination and deprivation of opportunity lie behind every corner,
blocking people’s paths to escape. The American upper class look down on the
lower classes of society, failing to realize the nearly unconquerable number of
problems that the homeless face in reintegration to society.
I have dealt first-hand with the
homeless in Western Massachusetts communities, specifically in Amherst and
other surrounding towns in Hampshire County. I want to dispel any negative
biases of the homeless population in Western Massachusetts communities. I must
emphasize, even with how easily it is forgotten, that each homeless person
within the greater Pioneer Valley, no matter how “dirty,” “crazy,” or
“worthless,” is a person. I have
spent nearly three hours a day, six days every week, for the last four months
volunteering at the Craig’s Doors Homeless Shelter, a shelter located in
Amherst, Massachusetts. In this time, I have encountered over 200 individuals,
and I am both
confident and proud in saying that each individual, despite their
societal labels,
has the potential to contribute to their community.
individual that I have interacted with has a
unique and interesting
that makes them human.
Each individual experiences the grief and sadness of
loss and disappointment, the pain and frustration of life and futility, and the
happiness and comfort of love and friendship. This is the same grief, the same
frustration, and the same happiness that I experience, that each of us
experiences, at any given moment. Despite the connectedness of emotions between
all persons, many of the guests that come to the shelter still face the looming
possibilities of harassment and alienation that dehumanize their very
existence. Each and every day it happens. The people of Amherst bully, shun,
and terrorize the homeless, but it is from these homeless individuals, the
people that come into Craig’s Place every night, that I learn what it means to
be human. For every tear that has been shed, every punch that has been thrown,
and every profanity that has been screamed across the room, a laugh echoes
louder, a smile shines brighter, and a passionate resilience, gratitude, and
hope burn stronger. The sum of these emotions, the emotions that make these
people human, pushes me to see past the negative connotations of homelessness:
the dirtiness, the drunkenness and the worthlessness. Through these
interactions, I am able to see potential in each and every individual who walks
through the doors of Craig’s Place. The people. They are, not “what,” but, who I volunteer for, who I write for,
and who I fight for.
The social
stigma associated with homelessness is far from the only barrier that prevents
the them from breaking free of their homelessness. Mental health issues,
physical disabilities, and substance abuse problems are extremely prevalent
among the homeless community in Amherst. These barriers are also some of the
largest and hardest to solve among communities working to alleviate homeless
problems. One study performed by the National Institutes of Health quoted the appearance
of schizophrenia disorders present in 67.6% of subjects, mood disorders in
35.1% of subjects, chronic medical illnesses in 82.4% of subjects, and
substance abuse disorders in 44.6% of subjects, in a specialized shelter in
Boston, Massachusetts aimed at transitioning homeless persons afflicted by
mental illness (Viron et al. 562). These problems are deeply rooted in the
homeless population and will continue to prevent people from rising up out of
homelessness without the proper awareness and acknowledgement of the issues.
The study found that only about half of subjects with substance abuse problems
had documented a history of treatment for the disorders, and while four-fifths
of all subjects were documented as having a primary care provider, psychiatrist,
and mental outreach worker, the rate of psychiatric and acute care
hospitalizations stood just as high across the whole sample (Viron et al. 562).
Currently, there exists a very small number homeless advocacy programs and
organizations in Massachusetts that offer support in combating these issues.
Virtually none exist throughout the entirety of the Western Massachusetts area.
The previously-mentioned study goes on to discuss the interconnectedness between mental illness and other barriers. In
this same population of individuals, half of the subjects had an average of two
legal charges per person, with most accounts being for assault, disturbing
public order, or drug-related offenses. A third of all subjects reported a
history of either physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. A fourth of all
subjects reported adverse childhood experiences, which were qualified as foster
care, state youth service involvement, death of a parent, or divorce of parents
(Viron et al. 563). As described by the authors in the study, “co-occurrence
substance use and psychiatric disorders are at an increased risk of
experiencing chronic homelessness…[and] a further increase in mortality” (Viron
et al. 563). All of these barriers and their interconnectedness work strongly
to hold the homeless in place. In looking at the bigger picture, it is not
puzzling as to why many homeless are subject to cyclical or chronic episodes of
homelessness. With no proper support programs to address these issues, homeless
populations will only continue to grow and pose a threat to the livelihoods of
communities and their people.
There remain two more challenges that the homeless face that represent the actual act
of escaping homelessness: finding jobs and finding housing. A study performed
by the University of Chicago on homeless families in Worcester, Massachusetts
recorded a number of alarming statistics. Within the sample population, only a
quarter of mothers in single-parent homeless families were employed, and half
of families in the sample had experienced episodes of homelessness previously
(Weinreb et al. 605) Prior studies cited in this article report that some
families are required stay in shelters in order to receive housing subsidies.
The authors state, according to additional sources, that “to have an extended
shelter stay before they will grant the family a housing subsidy” and that
“waits can be quite substantial and the costs of using shelters as holding
places are high” (Weinreb et al. 609) The data and analysis provided by this
article show that how, in many cases, there exist institutionalized barriers
that prevent people from rising out of homelessness, in addition to the
struggles they may already be dealing with. In some cases, the challenges
people face literally force them into homelessness before they are legally
allowed to receive help, which is inherently and intuitively against the goals
of homeless shelters in the first place.
Perhaps the largest organization in
Massachusetts that is working to combat homelessness and its barriers is the
Coalition for Homeless Individuals. The Coalition consists of a number of
groups located all across Massachusetts, most of which reside in Boston, whose
collective goals are to alleviate homelessness by focusing in on the issues of
medical care for the homeless, substance abuse support groups, skill training
for job placement, and the creation of permanent housing. There is only one
organization in Western Massachusetts that is currently a member of the
coalition: Friends of the Homeless, located in Springfield, Massachusetts. As
described in an article in the local Springfield newspaper, MassLive, Friends
of the Homeless provides the homeless with “efficiency apartments and housing
assistance, emergency shelter, three meals a day, employment services, a
computer lab, counseling, and links to health and mental health services”
(Goonan). As quoted by William J. Miller, director of Friends of the Homeless,
Springfield has experienced a “steady reduction in the number of chronically
homeless individuals each year since [creating] our 10-Year Plan in 2007, and
[we] are on track to be able to end chronic homelessness in 2016” (Goonan).
While emergency shelters serve a huge purpose in mitigating short-term
homelessness, the structure of this organization is the model that those in
power should be following in order to solve chronic and long-term homelessness.
These barriers are what need to be addressed. Following this model is how we
can create change.
Craig’s Place is a wet shelter,
meaning guests are permitted to stay at the shelter even while intoxicated.
Because many of the guests at Craig’s Place are under the influence of alcohol
and drugs each night, the adverse effects of substance abuse are immediately
apparent; the environment becomes conducive to bringing out the worst in
people.Despite people’s aggressive
attitudes and actions, Craig’s Place, being the only wet shelter for Amherst
and its surrounding communities, plays an important role in housing people who
may otherwise perish on the streets. The homeless are people. They are human.
I have seen individuals resist the urge to give up on a system that has already
given up on them.
To see their efforts squandered by these institutionalized
barriers is simultaneously infuriating and heart-breaking. Yet, I have seen
their desires to succeed and their potential for change and growth. I have
experienced their humanity. While it easy to view the homeless population as a
drunken, disorderly, lazy, and uneducated group of people, in reality, most of the
people I have encountered have been given no opportunity to succeed. As a
volunteer at Craig’s Doors, I don’t just volunteer my time. I give them my
ears, so that I may listen to their stories. I give them my eyes, so that I may
share their tears. I give them my words, so that I may speak for their silenced
voices. I give them my heart, so that I may ensure them that they are, really
and truly, human. It is crucial that people understand the entirety of what it
means to be a “homeless” person, because it is from this understanding that we,
as Americans and as fellow people,
can change the way system works and truly see each other as equals.
Friday, April 15, 2016
At 9:20 I park in front of the First Baptist Church. A line of guests stretches from the glass doors down to the end of railing. As I walk closer I hear people call out to me "hey Rebekah!", "how's it going?", "let the lady through!". As I reach the door, someone has already rung the doorbell for me, alerting the staff inside to my presence. I smile, shouting back that I'll see them in a few minutes.
In Nov 2010, I spent my first overnight as staff at the Amherst Shelter. That night, I learned a lesson that has stuck with me - the most incredible individuals in the Valley live on the streets of Amherst.
I admit. some of these amazing people have severe behavioral problems, some of them are loud and have no sense of occasion. There are some who never shower, and some who struggle with addictions. Some have even been to prison. But these same individuals are also poets, story tellers, artists, musicians, avid readers, and philosophers. They are veterans who fought for our country, and and they are grandfathers pulling out pictures of the newest grandchild. They are someones father, mother, son or daughter, brother or sister, aunt or uncle.
It is uncomfortable to think about them as people, because then we have to acknowledge that it could have been us.
But they are people. They are creative, resourceful, strong people. It is an honor to know them, an an honor to work with them.
~Rebekah Wilder
Executive Director
In memory of all the amazing individuals who have passed away - Bongos, James, Jessica, Mubu, Mary, Sherman, Mo, Brian, and Jimmy. You will never be forgotten.
Welcome to the Craig’s Doors Blog! Thank you for taking the time to read our
thoughts. Authors of these blog posts will
include a variety of staff, shelter guests, volunteers, and board members. We hope that each time you read, you will walk
away knowing something new about those we strive to serve.